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First import from Vinted to Shopify
How to Get Started Connect Your Vinted Account Begin by linking your Vinted account in the app's dashboard. 2. Wait for Product Import Once connected, allow some time for your Vinted products to be imported. This process may take up to 1 hour, depending on the size of your catalog.Some readersDaily product synchronization between Vinted and Shopify
Automatic Synchronization Our app synchronizes the following updates from Vinted to Shopify multiple times per day: New products Price changes Image updates Text changes Sales Synchronization VintApp Connect also synchronizes your sales made on Vinted, ensuring that sold products are automatically unpublished from your Shopify store.Few readersLocate my Vinted profile URL
To find your Vinted profile URL, simply navigate to your profile on Vinted and copy the URL displayed in your browser's address bar.Few readers